Tuesday, April 28, 2009

O.K. Everyone....the Voting Starts Now

The Iron Cupcake Challenge has started!!! (sound the horns!)

(I'm such a dork sometimes)

But seriously, the Challenge has officially started. The contest runs from today until 12 noon on Monday, May 4th, 2009. You can place your vote by clicking on the Iron Cupcake widget to the right -----------------> or by just clicking here.

May the best cupcake win!!!


  1. Not fair! :(
    I want to taste them first. All of them!

    Just kidding - I have all the cupcakes I need (and more) around my waste...

  2. Oops! I think I missed something somewhere...

    Well. I voted. What do you (WE) get??

    (Answer: homemade fudge, cupcakes, mailed directly to my home!)????? ;-)

    Good Luck. Marg.

  3. I voted!!

    Now, do you send us a dozen? :)
